The (Mis)Adventures of a Canadian Princess

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Return to civilization...

If you heard a sigh of relief, it was the sound that escaped from me after I bit into a big juicy hamburger today at the Agip Motel Restaurant. Yum...cow never tasted so good as it did today!

This posting is a short one, to announce my arrival back in civilization (known as Mbarara-town) after almost three weeks living in rural Rubingo Parish. I'll be connected to the internet and be able to use my mobile phone (# is me! Do you sense the desperation...haha!). Fine print (as always): I'm in town from Thursday, October 28 until Tuesday, November 1, after which I will be back in the sticks and will not have internet access and only sporadic mobile phone access.

So I will collect my thoughts and impressions of my first few weeks in rural Uganda, and post those stories very soon! Thanks for the comments posted...made me laugh out loud and made people in this internet cafe look at me strangely!



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