The (Mis)Adventures of a Canadian Princess

Monday, October 31, 2005

The Silly Bug bites!

I was brainstorming in preparation for writing my blog and the following things just poured out of my head. Really, there is nothing wrong with me...the Lariam is really not making me insane!

Enjoy the following bouts of silliness of the Rubingo crew!

  • Bowel movements: everyone seems like they are trying to regulate themselves – CONSTIPATION EXHILARATION SEIZES THE NATION IN OUR FRUSTRATION FOR VOLUNTARY INTESTINAL MOVEMENTATION (da silly bug has bitten again)…
  • Belching in front of Richard to make him uncomfortable…
  • Mike’s tendency to find much humour in gaseous situations…SBV = silent but violent
  • Johnson's sayings: “That’s fine”, “that’s grrrreat” (like Tony the Tiger of Frosted Flakes fame), "Hello madam"
  • Mandazi: great fried dough-balls of happiness
  • Apollo's favourite joke in relation to Mrs. Dash seasoning:
    • Where’s Mr. Dash?
    • Mr. Dash dashed
  • G-nut sauce and the special love…
  • Outdoor showers in the moonlight…or someone using up all the hot water
  • Laundry always being hung around my tent, especially the boys’ underwear and socks
  • Uncontrollable fits of laughter with Rose, Johnson and Jovanice
  • Being bitten by the “silly bug”, sugar cane martial arts
  • Taxi and special hire – what’s the difference??
  • I am an African Queen – being called a “negro” at DK’s store by James
  • A reason to celebrate – there’s GOAT for dinner!
  • “Princessing out” WILL save your sanity
  • Pringles (paprika flavour), U & Me bars, Ribena (in tetra packs no less!)
  • Kim’s dancing face (ooooohhh…shake that booty yo’ mama gave you!)
  • Walk a mile in their shoes: the two hour hike to Kakongora widow’s meeting
  • Running up the bloody hill to make a cell phone call…buns of steel…
  • ”How many bars do you have?” in reference to cell phone signal reception
  • Peanut butter, Nutella eaten in less than a week
  • Goats or sheep getting in the way of the truck while driving…DINNER!
  • Driving up steep hills and “wranking” the truck into 4Wheel Drive (“Just give’er!”); affectionately calling our trucks Bessy 1 and Bessy 2


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