The (Mis)Adventures of a Canadian Princess

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Farewell, Uganda

This is last day in Uganda.

I returned "home" to Kampala last Friday after 2 weeks in Tanzania. While in TZ, I hit Zanzibar (Stonetown and the beautiful white sands of Nungwi up north), Dar Es Salaam and Arusha briefly and went on safari through Lake Manyara and Serengeti National Parks and the Ngorongoro Crater Conservation Area. Needless to say, I have fallen in love with East Africa and pray that I'll return very soon!

The funny thing about leaving is that I am just beginning to call Uganda home. When I landed in Entebbe after returning from Bangkok, I felt relief to be back on familiar soil. And now, I have finally started to make sense of the crazy matatu routes in Kampala, and am able to walk around the city centre without being hopelessly confused and lost. I actually walked from the new taxi park to this internet cafe without pulling out my map :)

Before I return to Canada, I'm visiting friends in the UK (and acclimatizing back to cold weather!!) for a week starting tomorrow. And then back to good ol' Canadian soil, Tim Hortons et al.

For now, there are no words adequate enough to describe how this country has affected me. This is certainly a bittersweet goodbye.

Farewell, Uganda and I hope to return soon.