The (Mis)Adventures of a Canadian Princess

Monday, April 24, 2006

Uganda Photos

Boys hanging out at plumeria tree in Rubingo

Crystal clear reflection on Lake Bunyonyi

Water lily on Lake Bunyonyi

View from Bwama Island, Lake Bunyonyi

Purity playing with a drum (isn't she the cutest kid?)

Ricky striking a pensive pose

Mama and moi

John helping Liam and Rachel on the Canada House bike

Me with the mzee who made the grass mat I'm holding

Hmmm...graphic design in Uganda is...well, graphic!

Farmer Ruth - I'm holding carrots that I planted earlier in the year

Ah, luxury...breakfast at my safari tent on Bushara Island, Lake Bunyonyi

Amanda standing in front of a reverse-terracing demonstration plot on Bwama Island

Tarzan Stu - preparing to jump off into Lake Bunyonyi using the rope swing rigged by Brad


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