The (Mis)Adventures of a Canadian Princess

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Where in the world is Ruth?

For the time being, Bangkok...I know, I blog is still called ruthinuganda, but to change it requires too much effort. Hmmm...whereintheworldisruth could be the name of my new blog? As I've been catching up with friends via email, I realized that I should put it out there that I'm no longer in Africa (boo least I'm going back for two more weeks after Bangkok!).

It's been a week since I've left Uganda, and I'm missing my beans and rice (who'd thunk it?). Hard to believe that two Sundays ago, I was sitting in Rubingo and munching away on muchomo and matooke (roast goat and steamed bananas). Seems like a world away, literally.

Anyhoo...I shouldn't complain too much because I have three teammates still left in the village. And I'm going shopping, eating yummy food and wondering what DVD to watch. In the meantime, should you (wonderful friends) be wanting to mail me something or reach me, it's best to catch me via email. to job-searching (yep that's the next stage...ridding myself of this unemployment label!).


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