The (Mis)Adventures of a Canadian Princess

Monday, October 31, 2005

Misadventures of a Canadian princess - Part 2: Da pictures

Finally, here are some pictures to enjoy (courtesy of Stu Finn)!

The ACTS team in Comox, British Columbia during our week of orientation. Top row (LtoR): Mike, Phillip, Richard, Stu. Middle: Brad, Kimberly, Christa, Ricky. Front: Ida, Stacy, Amanda, meee!

The ACTS team at the equator on the way to Mbarara.

A typical Ugandan meal: The yellow stuff is matooke, the purple is g-nut (groundnut) sauce, the white is posho, and the brown is fried enkoko (= chicken).

Fixing a busted tire on the way to Rubingo. Notice the curious villagers watching Richard and Mike looking for a spare. Always be friendly and wave! You never know when you'll need all those bystanders to help you in a pinch (kids included...they're pretty strong).

Stu performing E.coli testing on Canada House's water in very aseptic conditions (notice the food on the counter! This is the kitchen of Canada House in Mbarara).

Hiking up to the water source of the Rubingo area gravity-flow water system...very steep and very sweaty! Previous construction workers lugged up on their backs, sand and other construction materials (inluding a huge plastic tank) on the same goat-path in their sandals!

Sugar-cane martial arts...

Absorbing information via osmosis.

Laughing until crying: Jovanice, Rose and Johnson. Just another workday!

The clouds of Mordor...dark clouds like these usually lead to torrential downpours that last for 15 minutes to several hours.

Ahhh...beautiful Ugandan skies. I love it in the countryside.


  • great pics ruth. make sure you bring one of those sugar cane weapons home with ya! that'll make for hours of fun. (and great stories about food, your a$$ and driving on crazy steep roads.

    By Blogger goks, at 7:44 AM  

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