The (Mis)Adventures of a Canadian Princess

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Domestic Goddess in Uganda

It's Christmas Eve and I am surfing the web trying to download recipes for Christmas dinner! I am a domestic goddess in Uganda :)

I hope most of you are enjoying your holidays and time spent with friends and family. I'm doing the family and friends bit, with "family and friends" being my teammates and Ugandan workmates. I'm really looking forward to it, and the fact that I'll be sweating on Christmas Day (haha).

I'm not going to go into much detail now about what I've been up to, and what I will be doing after Christmas, but here's a little bit of a teaser:

1. Kampala: survived boda-boda rides in the big city (nearly had my knees sheared off when our driver swerved close to big trucks); discovered that the Kampala Sheraton shall be the next pit stop to "princess out" when my parents come into town end of Jan 2006; ate REAL food - Tandoori, Chinese, western...! (am feeling roly poly now); visited Garden City Shopping Mall and watche a REAL movie in a REAL cinema (King Kong).

2. Rafted the Nile: and basically swallowed half of the river. Needless to say, I will NEVER raft again, but it was fun (and abso-freaking-lutely frightening) and there are some good pics to show for it. If you can't wait and are somehow in front of the computer during your holidays, check out Stu's blog for pics (link on right side of my blog).

3. Christmas Day prep: As you can guess, I will be EATING on Christmas Day. On the menu:

Breakfast - pancakes, real CANADIAN MAPLE syrup, bacon, sausages, fruit

Lunch - recover from breakfast by lying down

Dinner - roast chicken (I bought two live ones today...), stuffing, potato latkes (Stu's Jewish contribution to the festivities - harhar), ginger cookies (Better Home and Garden's no-fail recipe), veg and salad (courtesy of our muzungu neighbours' amazing garden).

Well, time is running out at this computer and I have a ranch dressing recipe to look up. Happy eating, Merry Christmas and peace to all you folks back at home.

God bless!
Ruth (a.k.a. Domestic Goddess and Princess Extrordinaire)

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Using MTN mobile number until the new year...

Hi everyone! It's finally the holidays for me and I can feel the stress just draaaaaining off my shoulders. I love the fact that I can enjoy the holiday season without annoying Christmas mall music and seasonal advertisements jumping out at me to buy the latest doo-dad for what's-his/her-name.

I wish I had something more exciting to say about myself at the moment, but all I have to write is that I will be using my MTN mobile number for the duration of the holidays: +256 (0)78 759 014. So...if you feel inclined to call or text message, please use my MTN info. Webare munonga (thank you very much)!

I hope to post another update before Christmas, but will be travelling to Kampala tomorrow (to "city-fy"! Garden City shopping mall, movie theatres, ice cream, real buildings and real traffic!) and to Rwanda after Boxing Day.

Until then, have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!
