The (Mis)Adventures of a Canadian Princess

Monday, April 03, 2006

Kids kids kids!

The children I met in the village were some of the most beautiful and endearing little beings ever. Saffy (above, with Jovanice) has the most beautiful eyes and the funniest laugh (she'll laugh on command if you've given her a sweetie!). Bright and Praise (below) are two albino children who live in Byanamira cell and always ran up to me fearlessly whenever I swung by to buy sodas at DK's.

These kids were great because they were so unabashed in their affection for me. Usually, the other village children cried when they saw me or clammed up if I tried to say hi.

("I wear my sunglasses at night...")

This picture was taken on a lazy Sunday afternoon when I was bored (didn't want to do any work) and decided to just hang out with these kids. We couldn't speak a word of a common language, but with facial expressions and noises we hung out for more than an hour and a half. They ran around, did cartwheels, jostled to sit beside me and played countless games of hide-and-seek.

Misodius is an autistic boy who walks to the Aid Station to have dressings on his legs changed peridiocally. He's a bright boy...smiles easily and is engaging although he struggles to speak.

Curious Kashenyi Primary school children. One of the best things about driving past schools was that children would congregate on the side of the road as I drove by and scream "JAMBO!". Some kids would literally shake as they waved furiously at me! These kids were too cute not to take a photo...check out the matching sweaters.


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