The (Mis)Adventures of a Canadian Princess

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Africa to Asia

From the dusty streets of Kampala to the high-tech glamour of Bangkok...I adore travelling and the juxtapositions one can experience in the span of 48 hours.

I'm now sitting in my brother's apartment off Sukhamvit Road in Bangkok and enjoying the convenience of constant electricity, air conditioning and wireless internet. I still have African dirt in my toes (yes, you can loudly ewwww me on that) and have not been out of Africa for more than four days. But now, I have the luxury of eating yummy food (today itself was a feast after church...tom yum soup, garlic scallops, fried fish, ha gao dim sum - this was just for lunch too!), going shopping at Emporium Mall (oh my, that experience is a posting unto its own...needless to say, my shoe collection has increased, and I've left a pool of drool outside the Blumarine store - absolutely showstopping ivory gown with beading *sigh*), and navigating through a completely modern city (Bangkok has a subway and monorail system).

The best part has been hanging out with Dan (my older bro) and his (new) fiancee, Art. They are super cute together and I'm really excited about their upcoming nuptials this year. the task at hand. I have many pictures to upload and will take advantage of the speed of this connection to give you, patient reader, the story of my remaining time in Uganda and the work I had been doing.

Let the uploading begin!


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