The (Mis)Adventures of a Canadian Princess

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Pictures! The Moi Gallery...

While I upload these pics, I am listening to Shania Twain. In Mbarara. I kid you not (the idiosyncracies of manufactured Western pop music being played in the distant corners of East Africa...)!

Well, in an effort to keep your eyes glued to my blog (and not straying to Stu or Brad & Stacy's blogs...) here are some more pics of moi (but OF COURSE, thanks for the reminder, Stu: they are copyrighted and personal property of Stuart Finklestein).

Nored (a farmer) and Jovanice. No joke: Stu and I asked Jovanice to run with a paw-paw on her head and RUN she did! Ugandans have some special ability to carry LOADS on their heads. I, however, do not have any of their skills (gee...I wonder if it is a skill Napoleon D would have liked to have...).

The He-Goat. The largest, lewdest and nastiest-smelling goat I have ever encountered. Owned by Nored (see pic above), it's been cross-bred with local Ugandan goats to produce more hardy progeny. I think he should have been left behind in South Africa, from where he was bought. Oh, the eyes, the evil eyes...

Do you see how big that he-goat is? Jovanice had told us that it was a big goat (after we had been like, "Why are you taking us to see a freaking goat? What's so special about a male goat?").

Here's a lovely group shot of the Kamomo Environmental CBO (community-based organization) that I work with. L to R: Peace, Nelson, "little" William, moi, Jovanice, and Stu. My job is to support their community projects (bee-keeping, banana plantation management, soil erosion prevention, community education) and to inject new ideas to the group.

Driving on the left side...this is a picture for my parents :) As I had written in my previous posts, there is much "traffic" on the road, in the form of cattle, goats and chickens that run haphazardly in every which direction. Dinner!

This reminds me to upload some pictures of really hairy driving conditions! Next time...

Bloody hills...This is the eternal curse that runs through my mind whenever I climb the steep hills during my visits to various properties. Also running through my head: This is the reason why cable cars were invented and I'm not a freaking mountain goat!

If you haven't got why my blog is called the misadventures of a princess yet...

Oh ho! Oh yes! The princess does get down and dirty every now and then! Here I am, digging a compost pit with a hoe. A technical skill learned by every good Ugandan boy and girl in the villages, for sure. It's harder than it looks...and I didn't really get a lot of digging done. Rogers and Nelson (looking on and probably trying not to laugh) dug out two 4x4 pits in less than 45 minutes. Perfectly square. I hate being a squidgy Canadian sometimes. Pas de commentaire, Kimberly!

Last but not least, in the first installment of the Moi!

I have to say, people are warned that taking Lariam (an anti-malarial) can lead to severe depression, etc. Hmmm...based on this picture, I think that it has done the extreme opposite to me...insanity!

That's it, that's all, that's all there is...thanks for enjoying these pics (and wasting time at work!). Keep the comments coming - love 'em!

Ciao for now!
Rusey (= Ruth, the Ugandan way)


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