The (Mis)Adventures of a Canadian Princess

Friday, February 24, 2006

Peaceful elections so far...

The first multi-party elections in the past 25 years took place in Uganda on February 23. We (ACTS people) were concerned about possible flare-ups of civil unrest and are watching the ballot-counting process with a wary eye. But, so far, so good. The local papers are proclaiming a peaceful election process and I haven't heard of any violence happening in Mbarara-town (where I am currently staying for my break). I was in town yesterday while people were voting, and there was quite a different energy on the streets.

As it stands at the moment, Yoweri Museveni of the NRM (current president) holds the lead in votes over his main opposition Kizza Besigye (leader of the FDC). Uganda has had a history of violence related to various figures coming to power (military coups, dictatorships, etc.) and there were bouts of violence (riots, burning and shootings) in urban areas leading up to yesterday's election.

Election results are supposed to be released tomorrow, and we're hoping that the country stays peaceful afterwards. Keep my team in your prayers and thoughts, and also this beautiful country and its people.

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