The (Mis)Adventures of a Canadian Princess

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Holiday (Mis)adventures Part 4: Rwanda Pictures

(courtesy of Ricky Tang)

Welcome to Rwanda...

Les pays des milles collines (the land of a thousand hills)
...extensively terraced and densely populated.

Sunrise over Lake Kivu (at Kibuye)

An extra helmut for the passenger! Safe boda-boda'ing in Kigali... evidenced by Kimberly's relief and enthusiasm.

Pigging out on pate and fresh bread on the way to Gitarama.

Ricky proudly displaying his tighty-whities at a guesthouse in Gitarama.

Nyungwe National Park in the southern Rwanda - the oldest montane rainforest in Africa.

ACTS interns striking a Japanese tourist pose...

I love the holidays!!


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