The (Mis)Adventures of a Canadian Princess

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Primary mobile number, off-break at Lake Bunyonyi...and pre-holiday wishes?

If you’ve been paying attention to my sidebar info, you’ll notice that I’ve acquired a new mobile number (on the Celtel network) which is also my primary mobile number. I’ve also picked up a new mobile phone, the Nokia 1100 (yeah, yeah…it’s not fancy – Dan, again! – but it does what it should) which enables me to receive calls and text messages while I’m in the village (yay!). So you can send some lovin’ over the Celtel network.

I’m off again, on my “off” break (I’m a poet, and I don’t even know it…off, on, off…geddit?) but this time the team is heading to Lake Bunyonyi on Thursday for a weekend of R&R. We’ll be staying at Bushara Island Camp where fellow interns Brad & Stacy Fuller and Amanda Brown work. I probably won’t have access to email and internet during and after my off-break, which leads me to…

Pre-holiday wishes! I have found myself wishing people via email, happy holidays but not saying Merry Christmas specifically (because it’s really not even the hols yet!). But it’s a form of covering my ekibuuno because I may forget to wish people Merry Christmas/Happy New Year when I finally get time off for my holidays*. I guess it’s something that happens when you’re overseas and email is the easiest form of communication. Kinda ironic, that’s all. So here it is: Pre-Happy Holidays! Pre-Merry Christmas! Pre-Happy New Year!

*December 15 to January 3

Stay warm and drive safe in the snow/slush. Here’s another proverb:

“The longer the time spent in malls all decked out for the season, the crazier you’ll get and for no good reason.”

Celebrate for the right reasons (Christ’s birth, family, friends, life…).

Later, dudes.


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