The (Mis)Adventures of a Canadian Princess

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Holiday (Mis)Adventures Part 3.1: The Christmas Pictures

(courtesy of Ricky Tang & Stu Finn)

Ahhh...what is Christmas without a bamboo tree? These ornaments were created on Christmas eve out of newspaper and tinfoil...hey, necessity is the mother of invention!

Freddy or Eddy? Yep, I named the two chickens I bought for Christmas dinner. Here's Ricky (in a ridiculously short tie that we all ribbed him about) holding one of our fowl friends.

The beloved stove that roasted our Christmas dinner (Freddy or Eddy?). If you look closely, you'll see that 3/4 of the knobs are missing from it...I had to use pliers to turn on the oven and guesstimate the approximate temperature range to bake a carrot cake (see below).

(Sorry, vegans and veggie-peeps) Mike doing the dirty chicken out the guts.

Al fresco Christmas dinner...


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