The (Mis)Adventures of a Canadian Princess

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Shout outs to Skype

I'm not one for plugging products or hyping things unless I really like them. And I really like Skype.

During my masters, it allowed me to chat for hours with my brother Dan (in Bangkok) for hours on end while I was supposed to be writing my thesis. For free! Granted, the transmission quality wasn't as good then as it is now.

Two days ago, I was sitting in our office tent out in the village (where I fortunately can receive Celtel network coverage) when I received a call from dear old Dan, who was calling me on Skype. We chatted for a bit when he got skyped by Craig, a friend of ours in London. All of a sudden, it was like being a teenager again...3-way conversation! Cool! A London-Rubingo-Bangkok conversation. And there I was sitting in the heart of a village in southwestern Uganda to boot.

So shout outs to made my day.


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