The (Mis)Adventures of a Canadian Princess

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Good eats at Lake Bunyonyi

I've just returned from a weekend away with the team, where we stayed on Bushara Island and visited with Brad, Stacy and Amanda. The island is located in Lake Bunyonyi, which is supposed to be one of the deepest freshwater lakes in Africa.

Let me just say that my Princess sensibilities were unleashed during the weekend! Kimberly and I shared the Whydah Tree House (which is really like living inside a beer keg - a round room made from wooden's rather cozy) where we had REAL beds! REAL pillows! And I'm not talking about a single bed, either...we each had a double bed and two pillows. Luxury!

The great thing about Bushara Island Camp is that you order your showers and meals ahead of time, to be served at specific times. And the best can order breakfast to be served in your room. So this weekend, I had the first HOT shower in the past two months. And man, did my grumpy-pants disappear (they are ever-present companions when I wake up at 7-bloody-am every day). I actually sang in the shower. And breakfast in my jammies? Heaven! The food at Bushara Island is quite good, so I pretty much ate until I could eat no more. I had to pre-order my food because the kitchen staff do not mass-produce the meals: each one is made-to-order that same day. Yum! So here's a sampling of the food I ate:
- pasta primavera with crayfish
- beef stroganoff
- coq au vin (chicken in a red wine sauce)
- crayfish chowder
- peppers stuffed with crayfish
- eggs benedict
- banana pancake
- BACON!!!! Real, honest-to-goodness, crispy bacon!
- apple pie
- chocolate crepes

So if you ever head down to Lake Bunyonyi, be sure to eat at Bushara Island Camp. Another great place for fries (called chips here) is at Byoona Amagara (means "whole life") at Itambira Island, about a 45 minute canoe trip away. Seriously good chips, dude.

Before you think that all I did was eat this weekend, let me assure you that I did get in some canoeing, swimming and sunning myself. I do exercise more muscles than just my jaw and arm muscles during eating. All in all, it was a very pleasant weekend away, and it was even better to spend time with Brad, Stacy and Amanda. Now, it is time to heft my ekibuuno back to Rubingo and get to work for another two weeks before my holidays (and holiday eating) commence.

Ciao! See you next posting in mid-December!


  • Hey Ruth
    Glad to hear that you had a nice mini-break. I loved the true to Ruth food details. We had our christmas cookie exchange this weekend and your baked delights were missed. I hope that you are nice and warm as it is storming here. Merry Christmas!

    By Blogger Caroline, at 10:22 AM  

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