The (Mis)Adventures of a Canadian Princess

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Holiday (Mis)adventures Part 1: Rafting the Nile

As promised, the adventures of the Princess really pooping out... on the Nile.

Presented here are pictures and accompanying thoughts that I had while trying (bravely and barely) to survive...

Ruth's White-Water Rafting Adventure on the Nile River!

"What a beautiful day! I'm so excited to be on holidays and ready to raft the Nile! Hmmm...I wonder if this helmet meets any safety standards...?"

"What...we HAVE to practise capsizing the boat? Wait, wait, lemme get ready - OOF! I'm drowning!!" (gurgle, gurgle, thrash, gurgle...)

"Grade 3 rapids...I can handle it. I'm brave enough!"
(check out my face if you can, last person on the right hand side...ooooooooooohhhh)

(this was a Grade 5 rapid; i.e. suicidal; I nearly chickened out of this one...)

(Underwater - Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle...):
"Air...! Need...air...! Where's the freaking surface?!?"

"Rafting is sheer and utter terror...Never again!"
(again, if you can, my face is the one facing the camera, completely teammates killed themselves with laughter at my expression afterwards)

This wasn't my boat, but a good pic of what happens mid-capsization. Two of the guys on the right actually managed to stay on!

Post-rafting: "Ahhh...solid ground, I LOVE YOU!"


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