The (Mis)Adventures of a Canadian Princess

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Scenes of life

I've noticed that the majority of my postings are all about me (and why not?) but I want to share some pics of Johnson and Judy, two very cool people. Ok, ok, I know...I'm in 2/3 of the pics, but what can I do...?

Johnson - the man of endless proverbs. Kimberly and I have a series of belly laughs with (and at) him on a daily basis. Laughter is truly the best medicine. Those are his two kids with him.

Unfortunately, deaths are a common event in the village (we hear of at least one or two burials a week). Here, Judy and I are shelling beans in preparation of Johnson's father's burial. But note the pure joy on the other woman's face. All said and done, the burial was not a morose occasion, but a time of remembrance and celebration of a life well-lived. Hospitality is important - food and drink was served to all the attendees.

Mama Judy and I chilling in front of Canada House. Judy = cool mom and friend. "Just get'er done" is now one of our favourite sayings. I don't have a pic of Mama Ida (cool mom and friend too), but let's just say, thanks for the reminder to be patient and have grace towards others ;) Wise words, indeed.


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